crafty idea for april

Here is just one of the ideas I am thinking about for the April Craft Conspiracy meeting. My talented aunt Deb makes these fabulous mobiles out of pop cans. She made this one for me, it's supposed to be Fish Lake (where the family cabin is located). All of those delicate pieces are made out of aluminium cans cut up, ironed flat and painted. Isn't that cool? So, start saving your pop cans if you want to make one on April 6th. My other aunt is going to be available to show us how to make a Japanese stab binding book. Another option is button mosaics - mosaics with all of those cool buttons you seamstresses have stockpiled. I might have materials for all three and let you choose when you get here. Any strong preferences?
I wish I could be there! I want to try out the mobile. How pretty!
i love the mobile!!
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