Friday, November 18, 2005
Wonder Woman

Hi! This is my first time posting here. I was invited to join your group this summer by Anna. Thanks for the invite. I made my daughter a Wonder Woman Halloween costume that I wanted to share. I wish I could come to one of your meetings, but live too far away. I shall try to schedule my next visit to your fair city with one of your meetings. I love your blog. Amy
Fun Stuff in December

And holy cuteness! Check out these clothespin and polymer clay people on flickr by The Small Object.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
I was recently chastised by the fabulous Anna P. for not posting on here in ages. Courtesy of law school and some giant projects I have due, I haven't got much to post about. I'm working on knitting a baby blanket for a very pregnant friend on size 2 needles. I will probably not finish it until the kid is riding a two wheeler.
I'm also working on a pair of socks for an auction we will be having at school of handcrafted items.

Yarn: Schoeller Big Socks
Needles: Size 6 double points, birch
Pattern: my own
Times I've thrown them across the room in frustration: at least 5
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Look What I Did
Sorry I won't be there on Thursday, it sounds like a lot of fun.
Just saw this posted on MNSpeak - there's a new HGTV Show, Look What I Did, looking for folks in the Twin Cities who have done innovative home projects without the help of professionals. You can apply here.