baby bib

My sister is having a baby in a couple of months so I made her a week supply of these nifty wash cloth bibs. I learned how from my mother-in-law. The beauty of wash cloth bibs is that after you are finished feeding the baby, you can use the wash cloth bib to wipe the baby's face, high chair and table and then just toss it in the washing machine.
To make wash cloth bibs, all you have to do is cut a whole in the wash cloth big enough to fit comfortably around a baby. I cut the whole about 3 x 3 inches. Then take any kind of ribbon or edging and pin it along the neck hole, be sure to leave enough extra for the ties. Then sew the ribbon on. Optional: use your imagination to personalize the bibs. For instancce, cross stitch would be really cute. I bought a bag of poms poms and sewed them on in different designs. I made a frog, a snow man, and caterpillar.