Friday, February 17, 2006

craft diet

I was watching Oprah today and she wants America to go on a Debt Diet. Her show is going to follow three families as they tackle their debt on the debt diet. One family was told to trim the fat in their spending. That means that Marnie, the mom, will have to stop spending so much on her obsession with crafts. I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I worry about my craft related hoarding. You know what I'm talking about - all those supplies for projects you haven't started yet. The shelves behind the bar in my basement are not filled with liquor, they are filled with plates and tiles and I have a craft locker with one shelf devoted to different kinds of glue. However, I've never worried about how much I spend on crafts supplies. Mosaic-ing is relatively expensive, but buying plates at garage sales is hardly going to break the bank. This mom on Oprah spends something like $4,000 a year on crafts (scrapbooking and beads). Obviously, she is not shopping at VV's (Value Village) or estate sales. So, I guess it is OK to hoard craft supplies as long as you don't spend too much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I'm hardly one to talk, as my fabric stash is taking up every inch of available space in my craft room...but you are absolutely right, Em. She needs to discover the VV. It's so much more fun to find unique goodies through thrifting than to break your bank buying homogenous crap at the craft stores. Maybe we should offer our consulting services to Oprah for all future craft whores she discovers...

18/2/06 11:26 PM  

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