Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Labia Is Already Plural
November Craft Conspiracy went off without a hitch. And... drum roll please.... everyone* went home with a completed craft! We're really stepping things up around here folks. We made these little zipper flower pins, ate lasagna, and drank mulled wine. Yum! While Gretchen was explaining to us how to do the "outer petals" and "inner petals" of our pins, our minds went to the obvious. And soon the phrase "Labia is already plural!" was being snapped at Anna when she used the word "labias". Good times.

* sans one.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Crafter Wins Best Costume!
Since I was on a roll from the felted wool octopus, I whipped together this Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas costume. I took a few dresses and sweaters and scraps and cut them up, machine sewed them together, then hand stitched yarn stitching all over. I even stitched up the tights and gloves. Throw on some makeup and a wig and we're good to go. And I won best costume! Yay!

Crafter Actually Finishes Craft!
So last month's craft conspiracy was great. The theme was wool felted stuffed animals. A few of the ladies went to Mexico this summer and bought a bunch of animals and thought we could make our own. The meeting was very typical... ladies drinking wine and eating cheese and hardly crafting. But, we did have a few surprises. For one, a male showed up! Though he was warmly welcomed, we quickly scared him off. Another surprise is that this crafter actually finshed a craft*! It's been a long time.
* crafting not actually finished at the meeting, but a few days later while watching football on the couch.
Friday, November 17, 2006
No Coast Craft-o-rama Returns!

As some of you may know, there was a fantastic craft show last winter hosted by No Coast Craft.
It's back! And I recommend you all go. Pick up a few handmade holiday gifts while you're there!
It's at the Midtown Global Market on Lake & Chicago in South Minneapolis on Dec 2 from 9am - 7pm.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
no sew skirt

So, I'm taking the day off today and I'm watching a little daytime TV while I surf the internet in my favorite sweatpants. It's total veg indulgence! Right now, I'm watching Martha Stewart. She is making this no sew ultrasuede skirt and it's pretty cute. It looks so easy! It would be a good craft night activity if everyone brought their own fabric. What do you think?